Building and Launching a SaaS in 10 Days 🚀 — Day #3

Fernando Pessagno
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⚙️ Implemented a sidebar the general settings 🔧 Carousel type selection 🎨 Preselected color palette options 📝 Three text size options and font pairings 👤 Personal and company branding options On Day 3 I focused on implementing a side bar that allows users to manage the overall settings of the carousel. This is the main design I’m going for — a left side bar for general settings, while still enabling users to customize each slide within the carousel. The first option option in the side menu is the carousel type. If you choose LinkedIn, you’ll download a PDF, which is the format required to create a carousel on the platform. If you select Instagram, you’ll download a series of JPGs instead. Another handy feature is the ability to decide whether users want an intro and/or outro slide. Sometimes, they might just want to get straight to the action without any introduction. For the color palette, I wanted to make it super easy for users to select from a refined collection of preselected colors. Right now, there are only four, but I plan to add more and, of course, allow users to create custom palettes in the future. The auto-resize feature for text on intro and outro slides is pretty cool, but like I said before, regular slides look better and are easier to read with consistent font sizes. So, I’ve introduced small, medium, and large options for text size just to make sure there is still some control over their overall size, as well as alignment choices. When it comes to fonts, I’m applying the same principle as with colors — I’m providing handpicked font pairings that eliminate any guesswork regarding what looks good together. I’m planning on adding more font options in future updates. However, I know this approach might not work for everyone, especially for brands that utilize fonts outside of the Google Fonts library. I’ve also made it possible to disable the slide counter if you prefer a cleaner look. For branding, the “personal” option has options for headshot, name, or social media handle, and website, aimed at content creators, thought leaders, or regular LinkedIn and Instagram users. For companies, there’s a “company mode” that shows your logo and website. I’m really happy the progress made so far, it finally starts to look like a real product, but there’s still some polishing and bug fixing to do for today. For more updates and details, be sure to follow me on Twitter at
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