Biggest challenge as a founder?

Abhinav Sharma (Abhi)
32 replies


Peter Puhov
For me, dealing with marketing and advertising is challenging. As a technical person, I can build things, but figuring out how to sell them is difficult.
Abhinav Sharma (Abhi)
Finding right team or what?
Alvaro Villalba Perez
Finding the right team for sure. I've spent too much time finding the right co-founders. It's not an easy grit.
Quba Fatima
Finding the team with right attitude for sure, as well as finding and managing the resources efficiently.
George Aleesu
Building the right team! Getting this wrong always kill a startup before it even sense profitability... hahaha
Vincent Xu
Launching soon!
The biggest challenge I've faced as a founder is striking the right balance between product development and user acquisition; it's a dance of allocating resources effectively while ensuring we're meeting market needs. Additionally, maintaining the team's motivation and focus during the inevitable ups and downs can be just as demanding as any strategic business decision.
Umair Zubair
Starting a business involves a great deal of uncertainty and risk. Market conditions, competition, and economic factors can change rapidly, making it challenging to predict outcomes accurately.
Assembling a competent and cohesive team is essential for success. Finding the right talent, creating a positive company culture, and addressing interpersonal dynamics are ongoing challenges.
Sandhana Arkish
It's crucial to strike a balance between short-term objectives (such as meeting immediate financial needs) and long-term goals (such as building brand equity and sustainable growth).
Oz Mills
The biggest challenge I've faced has been balancing innovation with practicality. There's always this push to break new ground, but it's crucial to stay grounded and ensure that your ideas are feasible and marketable. It’s the same in many industries. Even when creative writing, pitching both “safe” and “new” concepts have their risks. Balancing creativity with audience appeal was key. What’s the general feeling? In the current climate, do people think it's more challenging to innovate or to find the right market to innovate in, or to remain safe?
Jeff Treves
The uncertainty of outcome.
The greatest challenge I face is a lack of time. Regrettably, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Audrey Jake
Finding the right team members