Best tools and gadgets to help you focus

Casper Brix
11 replies
What are the best tools or gadgets you use to help you in yourself workday? I use the Opal app to block out all social media. And a physical egg timer to help me do Pomodoro (25min work // 5min off) What works for you?


Marvin Mändle
I also have a timer in my office but do 90min work // 15 min off. Next to it flight mode. Thanks for the opal advice, will check this out
Natalia Toth
For me, blocking time for specific tasks in my Google Calendar does work well - I remember what I planned to do today, and it sets clear limitations on the time that i should spend on each task so I'm more productive
Casper Brix
@natalia_toth Nice! Are you 100% strict to not "go over time" on tasks or how do you do it?
Lassi Koivisto
Noice-canceling headphones are so good! I find throwing my phone somewhere out of sight works quite well, but how is Opal app? @marvin_maendle
Marvin Mändle
@lassikoivisto I love noise cancelling as well! I actually never used it, just read about it in this post. Mayer @casper_brix can tell us about Opal.
Casper Brix
@lassikoivisto @marvin_maendle I use Opal to block out social media during all hours except 18-20 where I can be a bit digitally social. Rest of the time it's blocked. I suggest checking out the app
Casper Brix
@marvin_maendle @lassikoivisto I agree - leaving the phone out of sight works well! What headphones do you use? I often find bigger headphones irritating after some time
Syed Muhmmad Fahad Zaidi
Noise-canceling headphones, Pomodoro timer, and distraction-blocking apps
Casper Brix
@fahadzaidi_5 Nice! What headphones do you use?
Nick Zemlyanskiy
The best tool is notification turn-off, anyway, as simple as that :D Only direct messages and main work chat are exceptions here. Some music like "lo-fi beats to study by" really helps to catch the flow. Also, we're making owr own app, a time management buddy, it also helps even in its current pre-MVP state.