Be honest! What percentage of your product changes made any growth?

Max Krasilov
2 replies
I always felt like I was in the range of 10%-30%. A good research process before development certainly increases it, but the part is still not great. For me, by the way, this is a good indicator of the effectiveness of the product team and the RND process, as well as the number of tested hypotheses per sprint.


Richard Gao
Hard to even measure things like this lol. Especially when a whole host of other factors could be responsible when you make changes.
Max Krasilov
@richard_gao2 yea, you are right, it can be a bit difficult to measure, but you definitely can. And I want to say that you should. Cuz if you ain't watching it, you can’t understand where you were right and where not. Every ticket has to complete an important step - results checking. This can help to kill useless ideas at the start in the future. A team can use these points to collect conclusions about it: 1. we can ask users about last updates, features, and changes 2. we can check analytics reports about features (ofc if you’ve prepared events) 3. we can check some proxy metrics if we can’t check the goal metric 4. we can take some feedback from the sales 5. we can use a/b results As someone said, “If you can't measure it you can't improve it.”