Are search engines penalizing AI written blogs?

suman saurabh
6 replies
We all know that search engines love fresh, high-quality content, but do they penalize blogs written entirely by AI? Let's explore this topic together and shed some light on the potential consequences.


Uma Venugopal
Not that I've noticed/experienced.
Tej Garikapati
No. I have deployed an ai agent for seo. We ranked 6 on hoogle in three weeks. All ai articles. Also hige amounts. We were publishing 3 articles a day, targetting the roght keywords.
James Sukosd
@tej_sai Which AI are you using? ChatGPT
Tej Garikapati
@james_sukosd I have built a custom agent with a dev's help. It certainly uses open ai api for automation.
Michael Cho
Google has explicitly stated they don't penalize simply because something is written by AI, only if it is considered low quality. Reference: