Any Product Hunt Products Combining AI and DeFi?

Rohan Chaubey
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It's no secret that the last couple of years have seen a surge in both AI and DeFi products. In 2022, we saw a wave of DeFi applications that promised to disrupt traditional finance. Now in 2023, the trend has shifted towards AI technologies with new products promising to revolutionize the way we live and work. But have you come across any products on Product Hunt that combine both these major trends from the past two years? As someone who is keenly interested in both AI and DeFi, I've been keeping an eye out for any such products. I believe that combining AI with DeFi could be a game-changer. For instance, I came across One Click Crypto: AI + DeFi on Product Hunt today. It uses AI technology to analyze your blockchain history, assess your risk tolerance, and build a DeFi portfolio that’s just right for you. Once you’ve reviewed the portfolio, you can start farming with one click! Check it out here: So, to all the Product Hunt users out there, have you discovered any products that bring together AI and DeFi? If yes, please do share your recommendations in the comments below. Let's explore these exciting intersections of technology and finance together! Looking forward to hearing from you all.
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