Any fashion tech lovers over there?

Nadia Zueva
6 replies
Hi! I am Nadia Zueva, founder of aesty - mobile app, which understands your appearance features, requests, existing wardrobe and helps to create outfits for everyday as well as find inspiration. I am happy to discuss & connect with anyone who is interested in this topic on LinkedIn:


Absolutely! We're passionate about fashion tech, the fusion of fashion and technology. It's about integrating tech to enhance clothing, from smart fabrics to wearable gadgets, creating innovative and functional attire. Fashion and tech converge, crafting exciting and practical innovations. If you want to know about Bridge St visit here.
William Campbell
Yes, we love fashion tech! Fashion tech combines fashion and technology. It's about using technology to make clothes smarter, more functional, or more innovative. From wearable gadgets to smart fabrics, it's an exciting field where fashion and tech come together to create cool and useful things.
Mary Glover
I love fashion! I like to consult with people about style here office phone number , and it's great when professionals actually work in their field! Now this is my top 1 store)
Green Roberts
It sounds like a convenient resource for fashion enthusiasts looking to curate their wardrobe and find inspiration. And what better way to complete your curated outfits than with the perfect jewelry pieces? Check out well-known jewelry brand for a wide selection of high-quality jewelry that will complement any style or occasion. From classic pearls to modern designs, you'll find everything you need to enhance your look and express your unique sense of style.
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Attaullah khan
Absolutely! We're passionate about style tech, the fusion of favor and technology. It's approximately integrating tech to enhance apparel, from smart fabrics to wearable devices, growing revolutionary and purposeful attire.