AI trends in 2024

Muhammad Anees
38 replies
Which emerging AI trends do you believe will have the most significant impact on industries in the next year, and why?


Rick Fan
Personal AI assistants are on their way, personal vector databases will become a reality, and everyone will have their own robot assistant.
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@rick_fan That's an exciting vision! The advent of personal AI assistants and vector databases promises a transformative shift in user experiences. Looking forward to the era of personalized and efficient interactions!
Saif Ullah Khalid
Let's see what wonders 2024 is going to showcase!
Tara Fitzgerald
Brain Powered robots I guess.
Launching soon!
@dennis_harris1 Absolutely! Ethical AI and advancements in healthcare applications are poised to drive innovation and foster responsible AI practices throughout 2024.
andi wir
umm.. Talking machines that understand you!
Angelina Shaw
AI's role in data analytics will deepen, empowering businesses to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets and steering informed decision-making.
babar saleem
AI-driven hyper-personalization will redefine customer experiences, making every interaction feel tailor-made and fostering stronger brand loyalty.
Grace Bates
Conversational AI advancements will revolutionize customer service, offering seamless, human-like interactions and improving user satisfaction.
Launching soon!
@gracebates Absolutely! Conversational AI is poised to transform customer service landscapes, providing a more personalized and satisfying experience.
Rana Ahmed Waheed
AI-driven sustainability solutions will empower industries to reduce environmental footprints, aligning with global efforts for a greener future.
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@rana_ahmed_waheed Absolutely! The intersection of AI and sustainability is promising. How do you envision the scalability of these solutions for widespread environmental impact?
Nico Spijker
Workflows -- I think there are a lot of use cases for AI but very often it's like "so how does this actually speed up my work" I think AI tools that can help speed up the most "painful" processes will come ahead. That being speeding up planning, (content) writing, reporting and repurposing.
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@nicolaas_spijker Absolutely! AI's true value lies in streamlining workflows. Excitingly, upcoming trends are poised to enhance planning, writing, reporting, and repurposing processes, making them more efficient and less 'painful'.
Valorie Jones
More ability to customize generative results. This will include seeing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in all sorts of software to allow you to search and summarize your existing documents. I expect to see Microsoft and Google pushing out a lot more in-house AI into their own productive office suites. This will bring AI to to people who don't currently use ChatGPT or other AI assistants in the day to day to lives. I also hope to see a lot more smaller, more energy efficient generative models that can be tailored to individual businesses.
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@val_jones Customizable generative results, especially with RAG, seem to be the future. Looking forward to the integration into office suites, and the potential for smaller, energy-efficient models tailored to businesses.
Awais Rasool
Explainable AI will gain traction, offering transparent insights into AI decision-making and building trust and confidence in its applications.
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@awaisrasool Great insight! The rise of Explainable AI indeed promises a transparent and trustworthy future, fostering confidence in AI applications.
Artyom Sviridov
AI have emerged and developed so fast in recent years that I'm really at loss of what to expect next :D
Launching soon!
@sviridov The rapid pace of AI evolution keeps us all on our toes. Here's to the anticipation of more groundbreaking developments!
angel william
umm.. Talking machines that understand you!
Launching soon!
@angel_william The evolution of conversational AI is indeed fascinating. The prospect of machines understanding us better opens up exciting possibilities for seamless human-machine interactions in various industries.
Oliver Thomes
Brain Powered robots I guess.
Markk Tong
Launching soon!
Great question! In 2024, I believe that the convergence of AI and augmented reality (AR) will have a significant impact on industries. This combination has the potential to revolutionize customer experiences, training programs, and remote assistance in various sectors. Imagine virtual try-on for retail, immersive training simulations for healthcare professionals, and real-time guidance for field technicians. The possibilities are endless, and I'm excited to see how this trend will shape the future of industries
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@markk0217 Fantastic insight! The synergy between AI and augmented reality is indeed a game-changer. Envisioning virtual try-ons, immersive healthcare training, and real-time field guidance showcases the boundless potential this convergence holds for reshaping industries.
Savilia Lastero
Great question! I also wanna answer this question. Dear, Thanks for asking this question to everyone.
Ai Robots everywhere will be the new Ai trends in 2024πŸ˜…πŸ˜…, please screenshot my comment πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Launching soon!
@istiakahmad AI-powered robots are set to revolutionize industries in 2024, bringing efficiency and innovation to new heights. Your insight is spot on!
Kathleen Smith
Brain Powered robots I guess.
Launching soon!
@kathleen_smith2 Absolutely! Brain-powered robots are poised to revolutionize industries with their unprecedented capabilities. Exciting times ahead for the convergence of AI and robotics!
Imran Razak
GenAI will be massive. I think right now we’re figuring out the uses of it and issues of it. I think general consumers will love it in the long term but so many ins and outs have to be worked out. Apple releasing GenAI stuff is something I’m just keen to see next wwdc since I expect it to run on device and seeing llms on device would be crazy πŸ€ͺ. I expect them to provide the model on device but the generation happening on the cloud initially since the models need to be at a stage where it can do things on device.
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@imran_razak Exciting times ahead with GenAI! Anticipating Apple's move at WWDC – on-device LLMs would indeed be mind-blowing!