Advice for beginners

KC Onrade
7 replies
What advice can you give for someone who's starting to explore the world of AI?


Alex Nix
Launching soon!
Explore everything you will see. Use LLM as much as possible, think about the simplicity of tasks, and try to find in every piece of life a challenges, that can be solved with AI and start to research in this direction. And again explore and explore.
KC Onrade
@nixkulinax this is very helpful, anything that can be challenging in a normal non-techie pov is another project for a tech enthusiast. Thanks!
One advice that I personally follow - learn by building stuff from zero. I think this will get you better in the world of AI as well.
Jessica Liu
Take the time to explore and try different LLMs, and compare and summarize their pros and cons. Additionally, you can read more into AI-related literature to understand AI trends and hot topics.