A.i. in Design and product R&D. Love to know your thoughts!. Love to know your thoughts!🔥

Might Wilson product
2 replies
Hey fellow creatives! As someone who is excited by the future of design, research and development, and also hearing about the news of OpenAIs ChatGPT system, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on how you think this tech space will be used within product and design. I ask this because I am researching a project to see how AI can aid in product R&D and user insights. Thanks :)


Richard Gao
I think overall AI will lead to much faster production times in design. All the text output that ChatGPT does and image output that Stable Diffusion and other generators do could be done by humans, it just takes significantly more time. Much like how the computer and the internet revolutionized content creation from print to digital, AI will be the same. So I would expect to see mostly design and content writing costs in time lowered for large companies, where the advertisers and designers that work for them spend less time on the tedious work and more time drawing up ideas. For smaller companies, rather than being limited and forced to hire someone for professional design and copywriting, they would use AI to cut down massively on costs. I also think there will be a rise in open source AI models much like there's a market for open source OS like linux. For example, GPT-J and BLOOM are all alternatives to GPT-3. They might not dominate the market, but they'll certainly survive. If you're curious, I am currently developing an API that allows developers to connect their apps to an open source AI run on the cloud, which greatly reduces costs. I mostly post about it on twitter (link in bio) What do you think will happen to design and research with AI?
Might Wilson product
@richard_gao2 Impressive thought. I also think AI will improve our efficiency in every way. It's really exciting to think about AI helping us to think on top of human knowledge and going one step further, or guiding us in areas we haven't explored yet.