SPAYEE Unveils New Brand Logo & Color

Aditi Singh
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Change is constant. Change is better! Spayee was co-founded in 2014 by a team four highly talented tech-enthusiasts whose mission was to bring about an evolution in the Indian Education Sector. However, “change” didn’t happen overnight. It took us years of dedicated efforts and trial & error to finally build an online teaching platform which caters to thousands of educators around the globe. In these years we grew as a team & became 10X stronger. We catered to thousands of course creators, institutes & trainers whose dream to scale up their online business had come to a halt. The year 2020 marks the year of Pandemic where many industries failed to sustain. But, this year also marks the super-human times where Spayee’s contribution to revolutionising the whole Indian Education System has been tremendous. 2020 became the year for us where our vision to bring about an evolution seemed blurry no-more. Hence, we are proud to announce that Spayee has introduced a new brand identity. Hence, we are releasing a new logo and brand identity as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand.
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