7 days of learning swiftUI,now I launch my first iOS APP

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Frankly speaking, I was ready to learn iOS development in 2017, but it was delayed. In 2019, I wanted to learn again, and even bought an Apple developer qualification, but. . Still delayed this is the third time this year, this time I chose the Chinese Spring Festival, so I have more time, I spend about 3-4 hours a day, through Apple's official tutorial and Stanford's cs193p open class, basically Understand the thinking of swiftUI and MVVM, in general, it is a big challenge for me, because my previous experience is back-end, many things are completely new After the Spring Festival, I continued to spend 2-3 hours writing this app every day,it was so much fun that I cut back a lot of time playing Texas Hold'em in Red Dead Redemption and Now it's finally launched: https://www.producthunt.com/post... you can ask me anything
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