Thinking of starting a business of developing a online platform for the small scale shopkeepers.

Manisha Gupta
2 replies
In which they can have put details about their products and can check every time the particular product in demand. The shopkeeper can use the platform irrespective of the type of shop. This is not enough the shopkeeper can also see the product count with name in chart representation which can help him in his business growth. Each and Every Product he/she is having in his/her shop can be listed in any language with their counts and then this data can be used as stock management for that particular shopkeeper. The data will not be shared only there will be a local database with every platform so that there is no fear from shopkeeper end that their data can be published and used against them.


Rahul Arora
You should narrow it down further to a niche. You cannot solve it for everybody at a nascent stage Example: Online platform for small scale shopkeepers who sell a particular type of thing in a region in Tamil Nadu
Gilad Uziely
You described a solution and I am wondering what is the pain/problem you are solving for? Also shopkeepers is a very wide target audience and I assume they will have a different set of problems depending on the type/size of shop. I think that trying to build a product that will cater for ALL shopkeepers is dangerous. Just some thoughts :-)