5 ways to monetize your newsletter

Nitin P
5 replies
Some tips to help monetize your newsletter - 1. Sponsored content or advertisements: One of the most common ways to monetize a newsletter is by including sponsored content or advertisements. For example, "The Skimm" includes sponsored content in its daily newsletter, which is written in the same tone as the rest of the newsletter and is designed to fit seamlessly into the overall content. The challenge is to find the right brand for your content, writing style and audience. Also how do you price your ad slot can be tricky in the beginning. Start with a flat rate based on per 1000 subs and iterate from there. 2. Premium subscription model: Another way to monetize a newsletter is by offering a premium subscription model. For example, "Stratechery" by Ben Thompson is a newsletter that provides in-depth analysis of the technology industry, and subscribers can access exclusive content and analysis by paying for a premium subscription. The challenge here is that if you are starting with zero audience, which most newsletter authors are, it can be difficult to add a paywall from day one. Try to grow your readership first and then consider this option. 3. Affiliate marketing: You can also monetize your newsletter through affiliate marketing. For example, "The Sweet Setup" newsletter recommends and reviews different productivity tools, and earns commission through affiliate links for any sales made through those links. 4. Product sales: You can also use your newsletter as a platform to sell your own products. For example, "The Tim Ferriss Show" newsletter promotes Tim Ferriss' books, podcast, and other products to its subscribers. The challenge here is to find the right products for your audience. If you have an investment advice newsletter focussed only on stock trading, you shouldn't be promoting fixed deposits! 5. Services and consulting: Finally, if you have expertise in a particular field, you can monetize your newsletter by offering services and consulting. For example, "Smart Passive Income" by Pat Flynn offers consulting services, courses, and other resources to help entrepreneurs build and grow their businesses, and promotes these services to its subscribers. This works well when you have established yourself as an authority in your field. That's a wrap. Catch my upcoming product - https://www.producthunt.com/upco...


Naren Bhandary
Great List, thanks Nitin
Richard Gao
Some of the best ways to do that now are to have people pay to feature their tools on your newsletter
Carter Michael
Awesome list - good luck with your upcoming launch!