4 options to get x2 revenue in September

Sveta Bay
6 replies
1. Increase the number of website visitors. 2. Increase the conversion to purchase 3. Increase the average price per order 4. Increase the number of recurring purchases What will you pick? For https://www.makerbox.club/ we're choosing option #1 😎


Tanya Kapoor
Hi @basv I'll go with the increase in conversion to purchase and the increase in the number of recurring purchases. I believe this will help in generating more revenue.
Philipp Schwengel
4. tells the most about PMF, so unless the retention is already good, I would focus on that. Would then be a great basis to increase the beginning of the funnel (website visitors).
Brenna Donoghue
Such a good question. With having done a PH launch, obviously, #1 was important. That said, we know we still need to really focus further down the funnel before focusing on traffic. Conversion to purchase is the big one for us. We've made a lot of tweaks so I'd like to see the rate of conversions from free trial to subscription increase.
Software Guy (Aarvy)
These four tips are fantastic, thank you for sharing.
Khali Rob
Write and design an attractive e-book that shares information about your company as well as industry information that is of interest to your customer