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  • #memoryletter @whitehouse

    Nikolay Nikolaevich
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    Trump called the winners in World War II only the United States and Britain. Many residents of Russia, the countries of the former USSR, and other states reacted sharply, leaving more than 100,000 comments reminding that the United States joined the war later than the rest, and the United States was not the main victims. "Letters of memory, allies"! The world must remember those who gave us Victory and freedom! There are cases when the history is "erased", accidentally or intentionally. We, at the Association of Mentors www.nastavniki.com, honor those who gave us the Victory, giving freedom to live and mentoring lessons of morality, morality and the will to Victory. The other day, the post of the US President - @Whitehouse, was published on Instagram, about the victory over fascist Germany in the USA and Great Britain, without mentioning the role of the USSR and other allies of the anti-Hitler coalition. The message attracted the attention of thousands of users from Russia and the CIS countries. Many began to write stories of the fate of their relatives. Public opinion is an important factor for American politicians. Therefore, we decided to appeal to ordinary citizens, and not to the authorities. We announce the civil action "Letters of Remembrance, Allies!", Which takes place exclusively in a friendly tone, during which we translate stories from Russian and other languages of the peoples affected during the war and send personal messages to @WhiteHouse subscribers We invite American citizens in response to share the stories of their families affected by the war! Ready to answer questions, exclusively in the correct key. Public organizations in Russia and other countries also write their letters to American NGOs in order to draw attention to the need to preserve memory. Stories are sent in private messages, and some are published with a single hashtag #memoryletter One history, from my family. we remember who won the war. Remember, and at what cost the USSR saved the world. You can not like the political views of the leadership of the time. But we must not forget the contribution of the people of Russia to the victory over fascism. USSR and War! Real history.I want to share with you the story of my family.November 16, 1941. My great-grandfather Stepan, grandfather Alexey and his brother were near Dedovsk. Alexey, was not a soldier, he was a 6-year-old boy.November 15, 1941. Somebody told my grandfather to leave urgently, but Stepan insisted that he would stay. My great-grandfather was an invalid, without one leg, he helped the soldiers and at the same time tried to feed the children. He was agreed that if the enemy broke through, he would set fire to the house.November 15, 1941, there was an Order. Soviet soldiers hit and went in offensive. My grandfather's brother died at the same time. Then, by the order of G. K. Zhukov, the troops of the 16th army struck from the area North of Volokolamsk. Unfortunately, this action didn’t change the situation.December 2, 1941, the Germans attacked on the village of Lenino. The main line of defense on the Volokolamsk highway was just West of the village of Sadki, where was the rifle regiment under the command of Lieutenant Dokuchaev. The command post was in an old Church, which was surrounded by the Nazis. And on the Western outskirts of the village of Lenino, there were the soldiers of the battalion of captain Sharakshane. When the command post in Sadki was surrounded, the Commissar of the regiment Kutsev gathered soldiers for a breakthrough. This action allowed to dislodge the Fascists from the Cages, and their remnants were destroyed hand-to-hand by the soldiers.December 2, 1941, the enemy went around Dedovsk to get closer to the Volokolamsk highway. The enemy even partially skirted the city from the North, where it was stopped by our soldiers from an anti-tank group, fortified in a brick factory. The soldiers of Lieutenant Stepin protected the direction from the passage of the enemy to the rear of the entire division.December 8, 1941, A. Hitler, signed Directive No. 39 on the transition to defense on the entire Soviet-German front.#memoryletter @whitehouse
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