Looking for interesting startups in the NYC or Boston area for a live show hosted by an AI bot

Will B
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Hi Everyone, just wanted to send a quick message to see if anyone here might be interested. I'm currently producing a live show in NYC that is hosted by an AI Bot that I made (here's the website http://merrillgrambell.com ). I'm currently looking for startups based out of NYC that are interested in being guests on the show to showcase your tech of company. You can see a clip of the live show here
Here's a clip where the AI bot interviewed John O'Hurley (the actor who played Peterman on Seinfeld)
If you are interested in applying here is a form to fill out with your info. https://airtable.com/shrgqUYeOhd... It's a super fun show and a really neat way to show what you are working on so if you are interested fill out that airtable form and I'll be in touch! If you have any questions about the show feel free to ask here and I'm happy to answer them too. Thanks!
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