What is the best movie you have watched recently? 🎬

Aaron O'Leary
18 replies
Just binged for the 200th time the entire MCU catalogue and am looking for some recommendations πŸ€”


Mahesh Shrestha
I mean, John Wick was fun. But I am more like "binge-watch series" guy, so DARK (on Netflix) was mind-boggling.
Aaron O'Leary
@alphahunter I havent watched that yet!
@alphahunter SO good! Can't wait for the next season.
Dan Edwards
3 films I loved recently: 🦁 Lion King (nostalgia, man) 🎢 Rocket Man (If you love Elton John, it's a must) πŸ‘€ Get Out (I know, I'm late to the party)
Aaron O'Leary
@de Have you watched 'US' by the same director as Get Out and it's amaaazing
Dan Edwards
@aaronoleary oooh, I have not... I'll add it to the watch list!
I really liked Toy Story 3, I also rewatched Face Off recently and that was epic! I'm excited to see Once Upon A Time In LA this weekend 😎
Mitch Gillogly
Does anyone else have an issue with sitting down and watching full length movies in one sitting anymore? With the state of content right now it'st just easier for me to watch things in shorter intervals. I wish Netflix would try and serialize movies by breaking them down into 30 min episodes.
Aaron O'Leary
@mitchgillogly I wish I had that issue lol
Honestly, spider man U-Verse! That was awesome!
@mr.papageorge watched that on the plane - so good!
Shashkova Natalia
Once Upon a Time In Hollywood <3
Hanna Barzakouskaya
Good Omens! I did fall in love with the soft, fluttery angel Aziraphale and wonderful demon Crowley! Super miniseries and worth to watch it!
Paroma Indilo
The Great Hack, hands down