Zoe Georgiou

Zoe Georgiou

Google Sheet Designer
79 points
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Zoe Georgiou
Library of components you can instantly add to any Google Sheet.
Add landing pages to sheets your users use. Create lead magnets with Google Sheets. Add Social Share Buttons to your sheets you share. Create better Google Sheets that people won't cringe at.
Atomic Sheets by Better Sheets
Atomic Sheets by Better Sheets
Component library for Google Sheets
Zoe Georgiou
Zoe Georgiou
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A must for us sellers!
OnlySheets by Better Sheets
OnlySheets by Better Sheets
Sell access to any Google Sheet
Zoe Georgiou
A customizable Google Sheet that selects relevant hashtags for every post.
✔︎ Includes hashtag remixer + how-to videos
✔︎ Populated with 200+ hashtags for entrepreneurs
✔︎ Simplifies the posting process helping you to post more consistently
Hashtag OS
Hashtag OS
Get a hashtag system for Instagram