Younes El Moujahid

Younes El Moujahid

Building an employee feedback saas
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Younes El Moujahid
Younes El Moujahid
started a discussion

Feedback on my employee feedback solution 😄

Hello everyone I launched my saas product Evalflow recently, and I would love to get your feedback on it, every comment or criticism is super welcome from the sign up process, to using the solution. Here is a demo account credentials if you prefer not to sign up: Username: Password: Larry123 Much appreciated
Younes El Moujahid
At Evalflow, we understand that providing regular feedback can be time-consuming, but we believe that it is a critical part of any manager's role. Our platform streamlines the process of creating and documenting feedback, making it easier and more efficient to support your team's growth and development.
Streamline feedback, elevate your team with Evalflow