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Vishvajit Sonagara
MEET is a platform - a fast, simple way to connect with experts online for Tax advisory. We ask a couple of questions to determine your financial situations and match you with a dedicated Expert.
Instant access. Knowledgeable experts. Value for money.
MEET by Quicko
Online advisory to solve your taxes together
Vishvajit Sonagara
we do everything on our phones, so why not taxes too? with glyde, you can pre-fill your ITR with incomes, deductions, tax credits, bank accounts. import trades from your broker and investment platform & much more. save, pay, file & track taxes with a few taps.
The hippest, coolest & the fastest way to do your taxes
Vishvajit Sonagara
Plan, Prepare and Manage your taxes in one place. Plug it into your Favourite apps and visualize your P&L, Compare Tax Regimes, Pay Advance Tax, Pre-fill your ITR & E-file instantly. It's time to put your taxes on AutoPilot.
Save, pay, file & track your taxes, all in one place
Vishvajit Sonagara
Unbox a wide variety of Income Tax, GST, TDS & KYC APIs to build ambitious E-Commerce, Fintechs, NBFCs, Payment Gateways, and much more
Tax compliance APIs for India
Vishvajit Sonagara
Simple on-boarding, easy Form 16 upload, quickly import investments, cover all deductions, claim tax credits & e-file online.
Income Tax by Quicko
Do-it-yourself tax filing for India