Victor Eduoh

Victor Eduoh

Product-Led Storyteller for SaaS & VCs
37 points
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Victor Eduoh
Victor Eduoh
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Congrats on the launch, @maltissimo11
AI Assist by airfocus
AI Assist by airfocus
Unlock the power of AI for product managers
Victor Eduoh
Victor Eduoh
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1st PH launch finished 13th position, what I learned

My team's very 1st PH launch closed on the 13th position. Yesterday, we launched an ebook product: Ditch MQLs! 4 Ways B2B Marketers Are Acquiring PQLs to Impact Sales. Truth be told, we didn't expect to hit the top spots. And we weren't even trying to. Our launch is for a very specific audience: B2B marketers, founders, and maybe VCs supporting such companies. Beyond this, we crafted...
Victor Eduoh
Learn practical PQL-acquiring strategies used by modern B2B marketers

āŒ See why you should ditch MQLs (or emails slapped with MQL tags)

šŸ’”Learn the concept of Product-Qualified Leads

šŸŒ± Erect your PQL-acquiring foundation

šŸš€ 4 ways to acquire PQLs at scale
Ditch MQLs!
Ditch MQLs!
4 ways B2B marketers acquire PQLs to directly impact sales
Victor Eduoh
Victor Eduoh
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Our 1st PH launch tomorrow, 3 things I didn't do

"Ditch MQLs, Impact Sales & Revenue with PQLs" is launching tomorrow. It's our 1st. As you'd expect, the entire VEC team has spent weeks reading launch tips' in preparation. Ours is an ebook resource detailing 4 ways B2B SaaS marketers directly impact revenue by fueling the acquisition of PQLs (not amassing emails slapped with MQL tags). Here are 3 things I didn't do (wish us luck!):...
Victor Eduoh
Victor Eduoh
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Should B2B marketers ditch MQLs?

What's your take on B2B marketers collecting emails and slapping MQL tags on them? Do you think it's time we marketers did something better? And what would you suggest?
Victor Eduoh
Victor Eduoh
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Hey B2B marketers, how are you ditching just MQLs for sales-driving Product-Qualified Leads (PQLs)?

Most B2B marketers have realized amassing emails (and slapping MQL tags on them) isn't impacting sales. Worst off, all it does is waste your sales team's time reaching out to unqualified 'leads.' I'm curious: How are you ditching the MQLs' hamster wheel? And in its place, what are you doing to acquire prospects with declared buying intent for your product and sales team?