Cinzia Pompa

Cinzia Pompa

Everybody wants to be a cat
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Cinzia Pompa
Cinzia Pompa
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Yes but I don't use them very well or consistently. One day!
Walid Shaar
Do you use To-do Apps? If Yes, write in the comments which one :)
Cinzia Pompa
Cinzia Pompa
started a discussion

Have you changed career?

If you have, comment what the change was and why you did it. I'm in a bit of a crisis as I may not be exercising creativity enough in my current job. I'd like to read some other people's experiences.
Cinzia Pompa
Cinzia Pompa
left a comment
Gah! Been meaning to get one for so long
Denis Vyazovoy
Do you use VPN? And which one?
Denis Vyazovoy
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