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Tyler Barber
Tyler Barber
started a discussion

How do I get users to actually use my app?

My startup, SenseClub, launched on Friday and we initially got several 100 installs. But after a few days, no one has actually used the app. We are still seeing a ton of interest in our ad campaign, so I’m not sure if the issue is stage fright or a deeper technical issue. But we’re not seeing much evidence of the latter. Any thoughts on this obstacle?
Tyler Barber
SenseClub is a social media app that brings users together to discuss self care topics such as skin care, hair care, fitness, and nutrition. Users may also find offers, like deals, giveaways, and events from top health and beauty brands.
The Self Care Community
Tyler Barber
Tyler Barber
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How is your startup using AI?

I have a discussion forum so whenever someone posts a question, it answers them so they don’t feel like they walked away with no answer. I’m interested to know some new and indirect ways your company is using it to improve your company.
Tyler Barber
Tyler Barber
started a discussion

Did you run a preorder campaign for you app?

I’m running one for my social media platform and so far have about 600 signups. Got a late start so I only was able to run the campaign starting about a week ago. Plus I know they still have to download after getting the release day notification though so these aren’t locked in yet. My app launches Friday and should hit about 750 by then. I was wondering if this is a good starting point or...
Tyler Barber
Tyler Barber
left a comment
I would love this. I had been looking for some side work and wanted to give the startup market a try. Its hard to find these companies though, so I'd also like to know.
Alex Shevlyakov
Are there any platforms where you can look for jobs in startup teams at Preseed / Seed or Bootstrap?
Alex Shevlyakov
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