Tyler Scott

Tyler Scott

CEO and Founder. App builder.
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Tyler Scott
Tyler Scott
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It is a big thing! Congratulations 👏🎉
Suchal Bojamma
I made it to 100 followers 🎉
Suchal Bojamma
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Tyler Scott
Tyler Scott
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I would be Sam Altman and open source all of ChatGPT.
Miko Markovic
If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
Miko Markovic
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Tyler Scott
Tyler Scott
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Are you a solo builder or part of a team?

Basically the title of this topic. Right now I'm currently working solo on my mobile app which will be my first launch. After the launch of my mobile app, I'll be way more inclined to work on a dedicated team. I'm curious if you are a solo founder currently or have a team? Whag are the pros and cons of your current situation?
Tyler Scott
Tyler Scott
left a comment
Welcome to PH!
Noman Sharif
New on ProductHunt! Let's follow each other!
Tyler Scott
Tyler Scott
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Mine has to be October. I just really like the vibe of it. 🎃
Julia Engelsmann
what is your favorite month of the year?
Julia Engelsmann
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