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Sam Crombie
Start your day with a 3 minute portfolio digest from our AI financial analyst, Deborah.
Daily Stock Portfolio Updates
Daily Stock Portfolio Updates
Free, over-the-phone stock updates every day
Sam Crombie
Sam Crombie
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Awesome job with this, Joe!
ChatBCG Generative AI for Slides
ChatBCG Generative AI for Slides
Create slides instantly with AI
Sam Crombie
Friday is your AI assistant, helping you find the answers to your questions right in the browser. Ask for explanations, examples, conversions, or synonyms - Friday augments Google, enabling exploratory and open-ended learning through creative inquiry.
Friday Go
Friday Go
The Best 1st Search Result
Sam Crombie
Sam Crombie
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Awesome product!
Left on Read
Left on Read
iMessages supercharged
Sam Crombie
Friday is an educational search engine that engages you in a conversation to help you answer your question.
Friday Search
Friday Search
Learning through conversational search
Sam Crombie
Sam Crombie
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Great product!
We optimize your financial life, for free
Sam Crombie
Botta is an AI Teaching Assistant that wants to help you succeed in your online classes. Ask her open and closed questions and she will guide you to an answer.
Botta helps you finish your online classes
Sam Crombie
Sam Crombie
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Such a fantastic product! Excited to see how Plutoview evolves 🎉
Plutoview API
Building blocks for a collaborative Metaverse
Sam Crombie
Sam Crombie
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Really great resource!
Regex syntax and resources to power up your programming
Sam Crombie
The best products are built by those equipped with the best knowledge. Build your information base and explore your intellectual curiousity through a crowdsourced compilation of 650+ CS courses from top universities.
College Compendium
College Compendium
A collection of 650+ university CS courses for the curious
Sam Crombie
Sam Crombie
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This may just finally convince me to take a deep dive into Git. Great resource!
Git commands and resources to power up your programming
Sam Crombie
Standardize is an internship & job recruitment platform that uses standardized exams to help job applicants demonstrate subject expertise to recruiters. Score in the top-percentile, and immediately have your score sent to thousands of top recruiters.
Standardize - Rethinking Job Recruitment
Standardize - Rethinking Job Recruitment
One test, one application, thousands of jobs.