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Deta Cloud 1.0
The free cloud for doers & dreamers
Rohan Shiva
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Hey I love this! I have been developing a similar concept since the past 6 months. Can we set up and call and talk about some features you could implement? I can show you what I made with my team. Me and my friends started working on it in a hackathon at our University. I would love to help the team with some ideas. Please let me know.
Cardanti Smart Business Card
One tap, no app. The smart business card everyone can use.
Rohan Shiva
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I am Rohan Shiva. I was scrolling through my LinkedIn feed and found out about Helping Hands. The website is fantastic. I have some suggestions for it. For example, one idea was to create some sort of incentive system for volunteers. One idea for that is to have a point system, which the volunteers can later use to redeem something and a review system. I am high school senior. I am...
An army of the young and the low-risk helping people in need