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Rennie Haylock
Huntr helps you create job tailored resumes and cover letters fast with the power of AI, fill out application forms in one click, and automatically organize your job search.
Huntr AI
Huntr AI
AI powered resume builder and cover letter generator
Rennie Haylock
Track every detail about your job opportunities regardless of where you found them. Contacts, notes, dates, tasks, job descriptions, salaries, locations, company data and more. It's a CRM for your job search.
Huntr 2.0
Huntr 2.0
A CRM and tracker for your job search
Rennie Haylock

Huntr for mobile helps you browse your favorite job sites without having to repeat the same search again and again. Search once and switch between sites with a single tap. Store jobs from any site into your Huntr board in seconds and keep every detail about your job opportunities at the palm of your hand.

Huntr for Mobile
Huntr for Mobile
A browser for your job search šŸŒŽšŸ’¼
Rennie Haylock
Arcade games with flat UI
Rennie Haylock

Ground control for your job search. Huntr keeps track of every detail about your job opportunities - notes, dates, tasks, job descriptions, salaries, locations, company data and more.

A Kanban board for your job applications