Pratik Rajurkar

Pratik Rajurkar

Resolving problems, one query at a time.
78 points
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Pratik Rajurkar
Pratik Rajurkar
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Feedback and becoming early adopters!!
Maya A
What are some ways the PH members can help each other aside from Launch support?
Pratik Rajurkar
We couldn't find a comprehensive repo for all the developments and updates about GPT-3 (+other LLMs). So we decided to build a LIVE repository of the best 🛠️Launches/Tools,💡Ideas, and 🪵Resources related to GPT-4 (+other LLMs).
AI Discovery Dashboard
All AI/LLM related updates in one place
Pratik Rajurkar
Pratik Rajurkar
started a discussion

ChatGPT Plug-ins. What are your thoughts on this?

OpenAI just announced support for ChatGPT plug-ins. ChatGPT plugins can be “eyes and ears” for language models, giving them access to information that is too recent, too personal, or too specific to be included in the training data.
Pratik Rajurkar
Pratik Rajurkar
left a comment
We are not done with AI yet, but it will be AGI.
Anil Matcha
What is the next trend after AI?
Pratik Rajurkar
Pratik Rajurkar
left a comment
Canva is launching some cool new updates tomorrow. Excited to see that.
Ankur Singh
Who all are launching their products in March and April