Travis Kirton

Travis Kirton

Artist, Designer, Founder of Flow
154 points
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Travis Kirton
Flow is a powerhouse for motion design. Start from FIGMA, Sketch, Illustrator, Afffinity, wherever your own creative work lives. Then, export to: GIF, aPNG, aSVG, MOV, MP4, LOTTIE, iOS/Swift, Web Animations, React...
Powerful animation tool. Export Lottie, iOS, Web, MOV & more
Travis Kirton
Travis Kirton
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Ping me back if you use any of these, I'd love to see them in action.
Awesome iOS Loaders
50 free to use activity indicators written in Swift
Travis Kirton
I animated 50 loading spinners in 48hrs and shipped the whole collection as an open-source github project. These are all native iOS animations, written in Swift and Core Animation.
They're super-hot.
Awesome iOS Loaders
50 free to use activity indicators written in Swift
Travis Kirton
Flow's latest release is out, and you can now ship Lottie and Animated SVG Files! It's an awesome tool for UI Animations (or animations in general), it's easy to use and really powerful.
Beautiful UI animations now with Lottie & Animated SVGs
Travis Kirton

Built for Designers and Developers, Flow lets you animate designs in seconds and generate production-ready code that a developer can use right away. Our goal with Flow is to let you create production-quality work. No more prototypes. Everything you create can go straight into production.

Flow 1.0
Professional Sketch Animation Software