Philipp Kundratitz

Philipp Kundratitz

Based in Barcelona
31 points
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Philipp Kundratitz
Philipp Kundratitz
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How do you collect user feedback?

Hey everyone! As a Product Manager, I have often found it challenging to collect structured user feedback. How do you tackle this issue, are you using any tools? In my previous company, we used some user feedback tools, but I found them to be too expensive for my own projects. To solve this, I build Survser which I am launching today. I would love your support, and if you are planning to...
Philipp Kundratitz
Ask your users the right questions at the right time and uncover growth paths for your product. Survser is an easy and affordable solution for in-app user surveys.
Simple & affordable user survey solution for SaaS
Philipp Kundratitz
Philipp Kundratitz
left a comment
Love this, so simple yet so useful! Congrats on your launch
Slogan Generator
Slogan Generator
Summarize your marketing in 1 sentence
Philipp Kundratitz
Philipp Kundratitz
started a discussion

What's the most ridiculous product you built?

I love coming up with and implementing ridiculous ideas, I'm wondering if I am the only one or if the ProductHunt community feels the same way? For example, today I launched The Curiosity Game, which is a social experiment that lets you put a price tag on your curiosity. To play the game, you need to pay any amount of money you want, only to find out how many other people have played, and how...
Philipp Kundratitz
The Curiosity Game is a unique social experiment that allows you to put a price tag on your curiosity in exchange for information about the game's dynamics.
The Curiosity Game
The Curiosity Game
Can Curiosity have a Price Tag?
Philipp Kundratitz
Transform LinkedIn connections into opportunities with InProfiler! AI-powered tool to prioritize & manage leads, aligning them with your professional goals. Efficient, tailored networking at your fingertips!
Automated LinkedIn lead profiling