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Philip Ardeljan
Loaf is a library of 900+ SVG animations. It is packaged into an easy-to-use app! Use it to quickly find an animation, make some small adjustments and plug it into whatever project you are working on! It's free to get started!
Loaf 2.0
Loaf 2.0
An SVG editor with 900+ premium animations!
Philip Ardeljan
Loaf (previously known as Motion) is your animated SVG icon library! Use it to quickly find an icon you like make some tweaks and adjustments and plug it into whatever project you are working on! There are hundreds of icons to use and it's free to get started!
Web animations made easy
Philip Ardeljan
Motion is an animated icon editor! It let's you quickly find an icon you like, made some tweaks and adjustments and plug it into whatever project you are working on!
There are hundreds of icons to use and it's free!
An animated SVG icon editor
Philip Ardeljan
Bring your app, website or project to life! Motion Icons is a premium set of animated SVG icons that have been lovingly crafted and that are also infinitely customisable! Download them today and get free updates, forever!
Motion Icons
Bring your app, website or project to life!