Warren Wu

software engineer
225 points
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Warren Wu
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Congrats! Many meetings end with no conclusion or followup actions. This is the tool.
Leapsome Meetings
Leapsome Meetings
Make meetings count, collaborate on agenda and action steps
Warren Wu
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Congratulations on the launch. What's new comparing with other no-code solutions?
Build full stack apps & automations without code
Warren Wu
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interesting! How does riyo.ai integrate with existing marketing and analytics platforms?
AI enabled user experience insights and conversion platform
Warren Wu
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Trickle's Roadmap: What's Next?

As Trickle continues to evolve and grow, our roadmap is focused on innovation, user experience, and expanding our reach. We are excited about the future and committed to continuously enhancing Trickle to meet the ever-changing needs of our users. Here's a glimpse into what's next for Trickle: 1. Enhanced AI Capabilities Building on the success of integrating GPT-4, we plan to further enhance...
Warren Wu
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Meet the Team Behind Trickle

The creation of Trickle is the culmination of hard work, innovation, and collaboration by a talented and dedicated team. Leading the charge are three key figures: Jarod, the Product Owner; Samdy, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO); and Victoria, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and Designer. Each brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table, contributing to the development of a...
Warren Wu
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The Technology Behind Trickle: Powered by GPT-4

Trickle leverages the groundbreaking capabilities of GPT-4, the latest iteration of the advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. This sophisticated technology is at the heart of Trickle's innovative features, enhancing the tool's ability to manage and organize screenshots with unparalleled efficiency and intelligence. Advanced AI Capabilities with GPT-4 GPT-4's AI capabilities play a...
Warren Wu
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Design Philosophy Behind Trickle

The design philosophy behind Trickle is deeply rooted in the principles of simplicity, intuitiveness, and efficiency. When we set out to create Trickle, we weren't just building another digital tool; we were crafting a solution to a pervasive problem that affects professionals across various industries. Our goal was to design a product that feels less like a tool and more like a natural...
Warren Wu
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The Birth of Trickle: A Story of Collaboration and Innovation

The story of Trickle's inception is a tale of teamwork and innovation in the dynamic world of technology. It all began with Jarod, our insightful product manager, whose daily routine was deeply entrenched in digital workflows. Like many professionals, Jarod heavily relied on screenshots for everything - from capturing critical project details to bookmarking inspiring designs. However, this...
Warren Wu
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Congrats on the launch of Blocks
AI-powered builder to create your emails
Warren Wu
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Congratulations on the launch.
BeforeSunset AI Teams
AI-powered workspace: plan & execute together
Warren Wu
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Excited to try it out!
Artwork Flow
Your AI-led sidekick to manage all things creative