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Patrick Dalvinck
We are happy to announce our latest community project, With this project, we strive to create insights into global data breaches. Which companies were breached, what kind of data got lost and how did these companies handle the situation.
Data Breaches
Data Breaches
Easily get information on data breaches, regulators & fines
Patrick Dalvinck
After the launch of GDPR, many companies are being confronted with a new legislation, the CCPA. For those of you that are preparing, here's a checklist that will assist you.
CCPA Compliance Checklist
CCPA Compliance Checklist
Easily check how or if you need to comply with CCPA.
Patrick Dalvinck
Patrick Dalvinck
left a comment
Nice dashboard pulling it all together !!
Open Banking API Tracker
Tracking +130 open banking and PSD2 APIs