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Ankit Ghosh
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Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Ankit Ghosh
Meet PMFlix: Your go-to streaming service for product management videos! Uncover industry secrets, learn from leaders, and turn your learning journey into a choose-your-own-adventure.
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Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Stop spamming by sending cold emails
Waterfall enrichment email & phone, all vendors, one place
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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This is super cool๐Ÿ˜Ž
Simple Analytics AI
Simple Analytics AI
Chat with your analytics
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Congrats Jim - looks great.
Skeleton UI Gallery
Skeleton UI Gallery
Free, customizable SVG skeleton loader UI elements
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Finally we're live ๐Ÿš€, looking forward make PH Folks give it a shot.
Olvy 2.0
Analyze user feedback 10x faster with AI
Ankit Ghosh
Do you also spend hours organizing and analyzing feedback? There's a better way. Olvy integrates with your Slack, Zendesk, Intercom, Hubspot, and everywhere your users are to bring all your user feedback in one place and analyze it all using AI ๐Ÿช„
Olvy 2.0
Analyze user feedback 10x faster with AI
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Looks great
Image Beautify
Create beautiful images for your tweets
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Needed this badly - finally a good Slack replacement for our async meetings
Replace "quickโ€ work calls with supercharged voice messages
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Great idea!
Practice speaking English with people from other countries
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Damn - where were you when I was building my e-commerce site 2 years back?
An e-commerce growth marketing platform
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Great product @pereayats
Black Blocks
Black Blocks
Validate first, build later
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Glad to see one of my fav products at top! Keep going - you've built something GREAT.
The easiest way to convert messy thoughts into clear text
Ankit Ghosh
Ankit Ghosh
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Do you plan to have any integrations soon?
Analyze your data with AI, Python, SQL, and formulas