Hyung Moon

Hyung Moon

Buddydoc, The First Step Before the Vet!
160 points
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Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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Just launched our second PH campaign!

Hello pet parents of Product Hunt! We just rolled out our new update for Buddydoc, the smartest pet symptom checker on the market! Know about the severity of your pet's symptoms in 1 minute! Learn more on our product launch page and we'd love to hear your feedback! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/buddydoc-the-first-step-before-the-vet
Hyung Moon
Managing your pet's health just got a whole lot easier! ⚕️ Smart symptom checker 👨‍⚕️ Ask-a-vet forum 🤓 Symptom & Disease Library 🩺 Monthly health score 🥑 Food safety dictionary 📅 Pet reminders Know exactly when your pet needs a vet with Buddydoc! 💙
A must have pet health management app for all pet parents
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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What are some creative and effective ways to use social media for marketing?

We have been repurposing content with new graphic content for our social media and were looking for further inspiration on how to appeal to a wider audience, as our engagement is fairly low at the moment. Any help?
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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What are some emerging trends in the startup world that you're excited about, and why?

Feel like the world is crazy over chatgpt and other generative AI right now, and deservedly! I am curious what you notice will change in the coming aftermath of these AI
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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What kind of influencer marketing content is the most effective?

I am currently in the process of talking with a few micro influencers to help reach more users for our renewal in 2 weeks and wanted to hear what worked for you guys! I have sent some content ideas but while I wait for their response, curious what else I can suggest to them to make this fun for both parties.
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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What resources (books, blogs, podcasts, etc.) have you found most helpful in growing your startup?

I will start it off with a book I really enjoyed recently 1+1=3 by Dave Trott. I would highly recommend!
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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Any care to share which PR company you've had a positive experience for spreading news for your app?

I am looking into PR companies to hire to raise our brand awareness and the launch of our app's renewal. Curious what your experiences are and any advice weeding the credible from the spammy agencies
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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How have you gathered data on justifying your marketplace for investors?

We have been trying to reach out to established marketplaces adjacent (not competing) with our service we aim to provide and thought it'd be a good conversation to have between fellow start ups. How have you and your company gathered data that justifies your marketplace?
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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Startup hunters! How do y'all approach marketing collaborations to small and big brands?

I am curious on your experience with approaching companies for a marketing collaboration. Any insight y'all have to share with the community is appreciated!
Hyung Moon
Hyung Moon
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love me some color theory, love this! Congrats on launching Seb!
A curated collection of beautiful color palettes