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Mohammad Elzahaby
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tell us the story behind chatbase :)
Sandra Djajic
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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Self Improvement, do you have a routine? What do you do for getting better day by day?
My personal Journey started almost two years ago with journaling. Every since it has become a habit for me.

Mohammad Elzahaby
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it would be awesome and a big gamechanger if it can be combined with a payment solution as a one stop solution, where you got everything, pricing, payment gateway and ideally some form of financial planning :)

Pricing Table Builder
Create embeddable pricing tables in minutes

Mohammad Elzahaby
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Congrats! And good lucking taking of!!

Maximize conversion rates with proactive FAQs

Mohammad Elzahaby
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find clarity through writing :D
Share your startup's tagline/slogan? 🚀
JD Worcester
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I use at the begining Static Html, and after the design and conent is decided I use SiteGround for Hosting and Bludit as CMS
What platform do you use for your website?
Ghost Kitty
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I have got my first Paid user almost a month after introducing my subscription model to my journaling app memoiri since then it has grown to 4-5 consistent running subscriptions. But I must admit I havent worked on it for quite some time.
Your first paid user, Your feelings and emotions!
Grant Sirekanyan
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I am an introvert but it helps to knowing so. It helps in telling myself to go beyond my walls and break free from limiting believes!
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Does it help in your work?
Ghost Kitty
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I sell B2C and it is mainly reddit and google search that leads to my site.
What was your best growth channel (mention your audience and product)?
Ghost Kitty
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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i wonder what your prodcut is
If your product could have a celebrity endorser for its launch, who would it be?
Lena Cohen
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I would definitly try to gather a lot of followers in the time before the launch espcially try to engage in coversations here!
Seeking some support and pro tips for the launch
Nikhil Singh
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I really like it! I will try to messure its impact on my little product!

AI that mentions your product in online convos naturally

Mohammad Elzahaby
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Wow really cool product! And a really cool website! Love it! Will take inspriation from it!

Kyugo 2.0
Time is your superpower, visualize your day your way

Mohammad Elzahaby
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Find clarity and inspiration
through writing.
memoiri , a diary app that helps you focus on what matters most:
your memories.
Can you pitch your product/service in 1-2 sentence(s)? 👇
Ghost Kitty
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I also sleep only 5-7 hours. I believe that our body takes the sleep that it needs
How many hours do you sleep?
Ghost Kitty
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I made a non invasive, simple journaling app (B2C)
ProductHunt and different Listing Websites, Reddit, Website (SEO)
What is your best growth channel?
Ghost Kitty
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Mohammad Elzahaby
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I have been here for a couple of years but I haven't active. Only for the last year or so
Product Hunt is 10 years old :) How long have you been using it?
Ghost Kitty
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