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Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
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Ruben is a legendary product builder. I love what he’s doing with SignWell! 🙌
Get documents signed quickly, securely & legally
Justin Jackson
An AI-powered audio-to-text transcription service. Features include automatic speaker detection, an easy-to-use editing interface, multiple download formats (plain text, SRT, VTT, JSON, HTML), and a unique web page for each episode with shareable timestamps.
AI Podcast Transcription
AI Podcast Transcription
Generate text transcripts for your podcast episodes
Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
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Eager to try this out!
The Google Docs alternative for serious writers & teams
Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
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Honestly, I think "human-driven customer service" will continue to be a real competitive advantage.
Alexandre Mouriec
What is your worst experience with an AI customer service?
Alexandre Mouriec
Join the discussion
Justin Jackson
Phare Uptime is a simple but powerful suite of tools for website monitoring, incident management, and alerting.
Phare Uptime
Phare Uptime
Website monitoring, incident management, and alerting.
Justin Jackson
Monthly info on recently funded companies and their employees, with employee profiles including title, name, location, LinkedIn profiles and validated company email addresses. Finally find the right person to pitch at the companies you want to work with.
A monthly list of recently funded companies & employees
Justin Jackson
The easiest and most accessible way to run a personal or business blog. It includes newsletter management with stats, serving your blog on a "/subfolder" of your main domain, multiple themes, matching editor area with your chosen theme, authors, advanced options and customizations, and so much more.
Your new favorite blogging tool
Justin Jackson
Muze is a personalized streaming service that automatically plays the optimal song for every moment of your workout. Go for a run and let Muze find songs to match your pace. Pump iron and enjoy songs tuned to your heartbeat. Featuring over 10 million songs.
Music to inspire performance
Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
started a discussion

Examples of "decentralized discoverability?"

While the web itself is built on a series of decentralized protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, DNS), discoverability is still centralized on platforms like Google Search, Twitter, YouTube, etc... Even web3 stuff relies on centralized indexes/marketplaces like OpenSea. The idea of mirroring an index (Pirate Bay), or having a distributed database (DNS), is fascinating. These are the examples I can...
Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
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Love KB Clip! I’ve been using it to archive/save Slack threads in the MegaMaker community.
KB Clip
KB Clip
Turn Slack conversations into documentation in seconds
Justin Jackson
The new Examine just came out. It’s the easiest way to find evidence-based health information on supplements, diets, and health goals.

Been around for over a decade, so nice to have a trustworthy resource.
Examine 2.0
Examine 2.0
Unbiased health and supplement information you can trust
Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson
started a discussion

Four years ago we launched our startup (Transistor) on Product Hunt and it changed our lives. AMA!

Hi! I'm Justin Jackson. My friend Jon Buda and I launched (podcast hosting and analytics) four years ago on Product Hunt. Since then we've been able to quit our day jobs, acquire thousands of customers, earn millions in revenue, and hire two amazing people. Here's a retrospective: Ask me anything about bootstrapping, product-market...