Michelle McCourt

Michelle McCourt

Passionate about PR+social. In HR SaaS
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Michelle McCourt

We analyzed data from over 135,000 sourced candidates to discover key metrics and insights that prove how sourcing can improve your overall recruiting performance.

The Science of Sourcing by Lever
The Science of Sourcing by Lever
Key metrics & insights to amplify your recruiting
Michelle McCourt

While not quite an encyclopedia, "101+ Recruiting Hacks to Accelerate Your Hiring in 2018" holds precisely 103 fresh recruiting hacks that you can start experimenting with today.

101+ Recruiting Hacks from Lever
101+ Recruiting Hacks from Lever
Creative strategies to help you hit your 2018 hiring goals!
Michelle McCourt
Lever is a leading Talent Acquisition Suite that makes it easy for talent teams to reach their hiring goals. Lever is the only platform that provides all talent acquisition leaders with complete ATS and robust CRM capabilities in one product, LeverTRM.
A modern web app for hiring utilizing design thinking