Manisha Asnani

Manisha Asnani

Business development manager
All activity
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Congratulations on the launch! The platform looks great!
Liveblocks 2.0
Unlock collaboration in your product
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Finally a no-code solution for AI tools. Amazing!
FoxyApps 2.0
FoxyApps 2.0
Build AI-Tools to Attract new Customers
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Congratulations on your launch! 🎉
Compas AI
Compas AI
AI recommending tech skills to struggling enthusiasts.
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Congratulations on the launch ! 👏
The most complete form service for developers
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Just love it!
Capture notes as text files, an app for iOS
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Puurl's arrival is exciting news! Can't wait to see how it revolutionizes hotel management.
The AI-powered review management system for hotels.
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Amazing product 🔥
Customer research powered by Artificial Intelligence
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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Amazing launch
Legal Guardian
Legal Guardian
Traveler, nomad & expat legal assistance service
Manisha Asnani
Manisha Asnani
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🎉 Congratulations
adoc Studio
adoc Studio
Organize, write and share technical documents with AsciiDoc