Lorenz Schimik

Lorenz Schimik

Co-Founder and CPO @ Mimo
278 points
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Lorenz Schimik
Lorenz Schimik
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Congratulations on the Launch Connor!
See your network in the browser
Lorenz Schimik

Mimo is a platform that teaches programming, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Swift, and more through gamified and interactive lessons on Android, iOS, and now also on the web.

Mimo for Web
Learn to code on your phone and your computer 📱💻
Lorenz Schimik

Join more than 2 million learners: learn to code, make apps/games/websites, automate your life, and much more – no matter how much experience and time you have! Mimo creates a personalized learning path of fun and effective exercises, projects, and challenges that fits into your daily routine and keeps you motivated.

Mimo 3.0
Learn to Code on iOS & Android 📱
Lorenz Schimik

Mimo helps you learn how to code, right from your phone. With hands-on challenges, real-world projects, and head-to-head competitions, you can learn to build an app or website wherever you are.

Mimo 2.0
Mimo 2.0
Learn to code on the go
Lorenz Schimik
Lorenz Schimik
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Confidant 2.0
Confidant 2.0
Baron Fig's notebook for ideas, now in three sizes 📚
Lorenz Schimik
Lorenz Schimik
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This looks really cool
Actionable metrics for subscription businesses
Lorenz Schimik

Learn how to code on your iPhone📱
Lorenz Schimik
Mapping Historical Cultural Production
Lorenz Schimik
Lorenz Schimik
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looks super nice guys
Should Designers Code?
Should Designers Code?
Press spacebar to ponder life.
Lorenz Schimik
Learn how to code in Java: Whenever, wherever