Leonard Püttmann

Leonard Püttmann

I am a data scientist and I love tech!
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Leonard Püttmann
Bricks is an open-source collection of modular natural language processors. Find r.g. language detection, sentiment analysis, emotion detection and 50 more - all open-source, for free, and ready to be integrated in whatever use case you are implementing!
50+ open-source natural language processing modules
Leonard Püttmann
Leonard Püttmann
left a comment
That's so cool! Great job guys. Looking forward to test this out. :)
NannyML Regression v0.8.0
OSS Python library for detecting silent ML model failure
Leonard Püttmann
refinery is the data-centric sibling of your favorite programming IDE. It provides an easy-to-use interface for weak supervision and data management, neural search, and monitoring to ensure that the quality of your training data is as good as possible.
Treating training data as if it was source code
Leonard Püttmann
Leonard Püttmann
left a comment
Really cool app!
Plane Above Me
Plane Above Me
What's that plane?
Leonard Püttmann
refinery is the data-centric sibling of your favorite programming IDE. It provides an easy-to-use interface for weak supervision and data management, neural search, and monitoring to ensure that the quality of your training data is as good as possible.
Kern AI refinery
Kern AI refinery
Treating training data as if it was source code
Leonard Püttmann
With this beginner-friendly CLI tool, you can create containerized machine learning models from your labeled texts in minutes. You can easily create a natural language classifier and pack it up in ready to use containers!
Open-source, easily create ready-to-use ML models for NLP