Kalle Aleksander Moen

Kalle Aleksander Moen

Co-founder www.getkin.io
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Kalle Aleksander Moen
Kalle Aleksander Moen
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You would think someone would have come up with this earlier.
Keep track of your plants and remember to water them
Kalle Aleksander Moen

Kin is a booking management app tailored for co-living spaces 🏠

All communication in one place, automate emails and payment reminders, and easily get an overview of who’s living in what room when.

Booking management app tailored for co-living spaces
Kalle Aleksander Moen

Simple Mantra Meditation is a website to learn mantra-based meditation without having to pay thousands of dollars for in-person courses.

Simple Mantra Meditation
Simple Mantra Meditation
Learn mantra based meditation for free – includes mantras