Kai McKinney

Kai McKinney

cofounder @ Helm. design researcher.
49 points
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Kai McKinney
Kai McKinney
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Incredible work, team! This just makes sense.
Serverless GPUs for Machine Learning inference
Kai McKinney
Create a beautiful shareable profile that shows what you do, how you work, and who you are. Use it to make real connections with the people you work with—new hires, mentors, and collaborators. Next time you introduce yourself, just share your Helm link!
Helm 2.0
Helm 2.0
Make instant connections with a personal work profile
Kai McKinney
Kai McKinney
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Love how this cuts through the noise. Congrats team!
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Kai McKinney
Kai McKinney
left a comment
Awesome stuff guys! Cheers.
GPT3 for computer vision
Kai McKinney
Kai McKinney
left a comment
Congrats team. Seems like a no-brainer for remote hiring!
Build and manage remote teams
Kai McKinney
Helm unpacks what’s energizing you at work, helping you stay ahead of burnout. It’s as simple as a moment of daily reflection.
Stay ahead of burnout with daily mindfulness and reflection