Jean-Malo Le Dreff

Jean-Malo Le Dreff

Product @ Upflow
82 points
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Jean-Malo Le Dreff
How long does it take you to get paid? How much goes uncollected each month?
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Explore your financial KPIs in 2 clicks!
💸 Free, Forever
📊 Metrics: DSO, Billing Cohorts, Aging Balance...
⚙️ Integrations: QuickBooks, Stripe Billing, Xero, Chargebee....
Analytics by Upflow
Understand your accounts receivable like never before
Jean-Malo Le Dreff
Upflow is a SaaS tool integrated with your accounting software that helps you :
📊 Understand your customer exposure
🔫 Schedule personalised reminders on unpaid invoices (calls, emails, letters)
💵 Provide your customers new payments methods
Cash collection, made easy.