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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Congratulations, guys! It seems like a lot of work went into this product.
Launch operator-free support with AI
Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Good luck!
Liza Karelina
We are launching tomorrow a new solution for the customer support! Very nervous πŸ˜…
Liza Karelina
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Sera Naz Ersoy
What resources or sites do you use for design inspiration?
Sera Naz Ersoy
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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In Australia. Good economy, beautiful nature, climate, comfort, ocean. Maybe in Thailand, I love this country
Elizabeth Tishchenko
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Elizabeth Tishchenko
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Remote. You can choose the best location and atmosphere for yourself
Naime Yel
Hybrid or Remote: Which one do you think is more efficient?
Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Funny background for Zoom
Hamza Aybak
Techniques to prevent burnout from virtual meetings?
Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Write a text
Louis Garnier
What do you do for the 90% of working time?
Louis Garnier
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Have you ever taken online refresher courses or received a new specialty?

What kind of course was it, how long did it last and what were the learning outcomes?
Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Rarely when it is necessary. I like to spend time outdoors or do active sports
Ghost Kitty
Do you work weekends? If you don't work, what do you prefer to do?
Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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by car to the metro and metro
Ilya Melnikov
What kind of transport do you use to get to your place of work?
Ilya Melnikov
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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Windows is more native for me. What about you?
Ilya Melnikov
Which OS do you prefer for personal use?
Ilya Melnikov
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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VPN πŸ˜‰
Rustam Eldarov
What are you favorite browser extensions?
Rustam Eldarov
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Mia Lam
Mia Lam
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ChatGPT copes with the tasks set perfectly
Joshua Voydik
What's your favorite AI tool right now?
Joshua Voydik
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