Austin Nguyen | Afforai

Austin Nguyen | Afforai

CTO of a VC-Backed US Startup
178 points
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Austin Nguyen | Afforai
I agree that this would be so helpful. Like a DM system
Rohit Kota
Why does not Product Hunt have message feature?
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
Marketing and analytic tracking for sure
Cem Özçelik
What is the most challenging issue for makers?
Cem Özçelik
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+1 comment
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
Anna Kasumova
100 days streak!
Anna Kasumova
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Austin Nguyen | Afforai
Engaging with your community is so important!
Olena Bomko
🔥16 Best PH launch tips. What did I miss?
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
Negative comments are inevitable, but they are crucial for helping you further develop your product.
Business Marketing with Nika
How do you handle with negative comments/feedback?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Austin Nguyen | Afforai
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
started a discussion

What’s something cool you created this week?

We launched Afforai on AppSumo today! What are you creating?
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
I know right, and congrats to your launch. It was amazing!
Namrata Arya
Is it me or has anybody else here also felt post launch blues?
Austin Nguyen | Afforai
We spent way more time on the name than we should have. Afforai comes from AFFORdable AI.
Thomas Halbritter
What was the inspiration behind the name of your product?
Thomas Halbritter
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