Hugh Hopkins

Hugh Hopkins

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Hugh Hopkins
Hugh Hopkins
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I've been an early tester and it's unbelievable snappy and intuitive
Superthread (0.1)
Project management tool with integrated tasks & docs
Hugh Hopkins

Elevate customer experiences. WhatsApp Business solution now on Nexmo APIs.

Send notifications, customer service messages and essential information your customers need on WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Business solution now on Nexmo APIs
Hugh Hopkins

There are many social channels you can use to engage with your customers - Facebook Messenger, Viber Service Messages etc. Although these channels provide a more personal touch, they are not the most reliable.

Enters the Nexmo Workflows API - it allows you to utilize these social channels, but if message delivery fails, it'll fallback to SMS.

Nexmo Workflows API (Developer Preview)
Nexmo Workflows API (Developer Preview)
Deliver messages to Facebook Messenger, with SMS failover
Hugh Hopkins
GoSquared Blog
GoSquared Blog
Posts on marketing, UX, and growth.
Hugh Hopkins

GoSquared Inbox for iOS and Android is a free mobile app that enables you to chat with the visitors and customers on your website. It integrates with the GoSquared platform for converting visitors into customers.

GoSquared Inbox for iOS and Android
GoSquared Inbox for iOS and Android
Talk to your customers like a human, on the go
Hugh Hopkins
GoSquared & Slack
GoSquared & Slack
Traffic spikes and user notifications sent straight to Slack
Hugh Hopkins
GoSquared Edition
GoSquared Edition
A unique expression of your metrics.