Hooria Ahmed

Hooria Ahmed

I am Hooria
35 points
All activity
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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The opportunity to work on innovative and exciting projects.
Favorite thing about your startup?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and set achievable goals to help you get there.
Morgan Kung
What‘s your tips to stay motivated as a developer as well as a founder?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Zoom Scheduler: Schedules and launches Zoom meetings directly from the Chrome browser.
What are the Chrome extensions that make your work easier and faster while working?
Mehmet Talha Şişman
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Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Thank the customer for their feedback and assure them that you value their business.
Natia Kurdadze
How do you address customer feedback and complaints?
Natia Kurdadze
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Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Congrats on the launch, can't wait to start using this awesome product.
Snowball AI
Snowball AI
A ChatGPT bot in WhatsApp without install or registration.
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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I use a combination of tools, including an analytics platform, to help me track engagement and optimize my content strategy.
Charlie Kor
Are you using any tool to reply and comment efficiently (to grow your audience)?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Watching movies
rebecca kim
What is you always willing to make time for?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Ghost Kitty
What app or website completely changed your life or working habit?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Sunil Ayar
Do you have something special that picks you up when you feel down?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Great work team. Congratulations on the launch.
The operating system for analytics
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Chris Watson
How Technology Makes a City More Sustainable?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Thanks for sharing
Manas Sharma
5 reasons why you should communicate Asynchronously ⏰
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Zayn shah
Who was your all-time favorite Disney character in childhood?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Everything is going to be changed.
How will the metaverse impact our day-to-day lives?
Hooria Ahmed
Hooria Ahmed
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Congratulations on the launch 💯
Focal Life OS
Focal Life OS
A system for focus - built in Notion