Gustav Larsson

Gustav Larsson

@pairhub @tryfreewrite
88 points
All activity
Gustav Larsson
PairHub is an open source platform to help you find remote pair programming partners.
Find remote pair programming partners 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Gustav Larsson
Gustav Larsson
left a comment
This is great! GitHub has been building some cool stuff lately.
GitHub for Atom
GitHub for Atom
Git and GitHub integration right inside Atom
Gustav Larsson
Gustav Larsson
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Great work on the design, very clean and colorful!
A Kanban board for your job applications
Gustav Larsson
Gustav Larsson
left a comment
I love the rebranding & your illustrations, great work!
Remotive Jobs 2.0
Remotive Jobs 2.0
A curated selection of remote startup jobs
Gustav Larsson

Write every day, set your goals, no editing
Gustav Larsson
Gustav Larsson
left a comment
Great episode.
The Tim Ferriss Show - The Person I Call Most for Startup Advice
The Tim Ferriss Show - The Person I Call Most for Startup Advice
AngelList CEO Naval Ravikant on life and business
Gustav Larsson
Gustav Larsson
left a comment
This is great. Niche job posting sites make a lot of sense.
Minimalistic job board for Product Managers
Gustav Larsson
Gustav Larsson
left a comment
This is so cool! I really like the clean interface, very well done!
An online teleprompter to make you a better public speaker